Murphy The Pug

My Photo
Location: Connecticut, United States

I'm a one and a half year old pug who wants to make it big in life. This blog is my start.

Monday, October 31, 2005


Mom dropped me off at my Uncle Pierre and Aunt Simone's house on Friday night for a sleepover. I guess I have to stay there when she goes on vacation for Thanksgiving. It was a fun night.

First I barked at all the new noises at their house. I am an expert guard dog. Then I scratched Aunt Simone's couch - she was not happy. When we went to bed, I couldn't decide whether to sleep in or out of the covers. And boy their bed was hard. Aunt Simone said I was antsy. What the heck does that mean.

They didn't know how to fix a good breakfast, like Mom does, so I put my nose up at it. Finally Grandma came to get me and she brought me to Mom's job to see her. I jumped into her arms. She said she didn't sleep all night without me and I barked the same to her. I tried to tell her I wanted to go on vacation with her. She doesn't speak pug.

I love my mom - I wish she didn't have to leave me.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Halloween Pugs Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

cute boy Posted by Picasa

Rain Hiaku

Why is the rain here?
My fur gets damp and soggy.
Mom drags me outside.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I'm a walking fool...

Sunday Mom took me to Bushnell Park in Hartford for this "walk" for cancer. I met a new friend, Taz, who is a husky. Taz was really nice, but not too playful. He was more interested in walking than playing.And his bark was a dialec I have never heard before. He yowled more than barked. His accent was so thick, but I think he was demanding to go faster. These little pug legs might be pumped, but they are only so long. I tried to go as fast as I could, but I kept getting distracted by all the great things to smell on the ground.

We had to keep stopping so the kids could get settled again -Mom's friends brought their kids. They were so cute, but they wouldn't let me lick the powdered sugar off their faces. It was ripe for the licking, but those kids were stubborn. And they had munchkins, but not one kids fed me! Greedy! Although, I probably wouldn't share a munchkin with them if it were up to me.

It was a great day. This athletic pug walked like 20 miles! (Mom said it was only 2 and a half, but she's fibbing, I walked a lot farther than that.)

I was so tired after that. And Mom said I'm dirty now. She says I need a B-A-T-H. What's that? I bet it's a new treat. Yeah! I deserve one for all that mileage!

Friday, October 14, 2005

My kitty brother, Max. Posted by Picasa

That darn cat!

My brother Max is a cat. He's kind of snooty and never lets me kiss him. He's also a night owl. Last night he wouldn't settle down. When I don't settle down, Mom puts me in the crate. She didn't crate Max. She just kept getting out of bed and taking things away from him. He was playing with the shade last night and making all sorts of noise. He wanted to eat his breakfast at 3 a.m.!

I barely got any pug-beauty sleep last night and now I have dark circles under my eyes. Ok, I know, I'm a pug and I'm supposed to hard dark circles, but I still need my beauty rest. I'm gonna have to chase Max outta the bedroom tonight. Hippie and I are making plans now.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

My take on rain....

No, I'm not made of sugar, but would you want to go "do your business" if it was raining in your bathroom?

I tried so hard to get back in the house this morning, but Mom forced me to go further. I was about to try to head back again, but then we say my best friend Max on the way to the park. I had to be a big boy and suck it up. Max loves the rain - he's more of an "outdoorsy" dog - he's part lab. But I had to make like I was a tough little dog since I have a reputation to uphold. So I sucked it up and went for a long walk in the park with Mom and Max and Max's mom. It was chilly, and afterwards, I tried to snuggle with Mom while she did her make-up and got ready for work. She pulled me close and gave me a kiss on my forehead and told me she loved me.

Ok, so braving the rain was worth it.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Mmm....treats. Posted by Picasa

A day with Grandma...

Grandma has the day off of work today so Mom brought me over bright and early. I really wanted to go to work with Mommy, but she said her office doesn't allow dogs. I think that's just wrong. I think I'd have fun at her office. I could run around from office to office, begging for treats and nap under her desk. I'm sure Mom would love it. But instead I get to spend time wtih Grandma, which is awesome!

I tried to wake Auntie up when we got there, but Mom said that wasn't a good idea. Auntie is NOT a morning person. Who can resist a pug, at any time of the day? Oh well, her loss!

So far I've tried to eat the cat food, run around like a lunatic and napped. What a big morning! I have to go beg for a soy pig ear now. My work at Grandma's is never done!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Murphy's thoughts on pug rescue

Yesterday was an awful rainy day, but Mom and I made the best of it. We had to go and do these "home visits." Mom says we are checking out homes for people that want to adopt pugs and she needs my help. I don't understand why there are so many pugs that needs homes. I think most of us are pretty cool. I've met a few weird ones, but all in all, they are great. Like Lucy, Mom's last foster Lucy. She was a little mangey, but she was a great girl. Ok, I didn't like that she stole my toys and took off with my pug toy to Balimore, but Mom says we are going to visit her in the spring and I'll get her back.

Anyway, we visited two great homes. The first had a big dog, that Mom says was a rottie. She was huge, but really nice. She and her pug, Amy (who told me that she ran the house) shared their cookies with me. Amy said she had a lot of puppies before she came to that house and wasn't allowed to live inside. Is that anyway to treat a mother? She was nice, but a little shy. She liked me though and said she can't wait to have a pug pal to bully the rottie with.

The next house had a ferret. It was in a cage. The home also had three kids, but they were so nice. They sat on the floor and let me come to them. (Some children I have met are so obnoxious!) They were so excited to have me visit. I told Mom they'd make great pug people. They let me explore the house and I got to meet their cat, Thumder, who looked like our cat, Max. Thunder didn't hiss at all, he just looked at me, turned around and went back to bed. While I was playing with the cat toys, I heard Mom telling the family all about pugs and how to care for them. They said they may even consider a pair. Wouldn't two pugs be lucky to have a home with those nice children?

What I still don't understand why pugs need homes. Why do people abuse them and give them up? After our visits, Mom said she would never give me up and she gave me a big kiss and a hug. I love my Mom and I'll put up with our fosters if I have to. They need a break. (I'll just learn to keep a better eye on my toys.)

Friday, October 07, 2005

Mischief Murphy Posted by Picasa

Foiled again!

My attempts at keeping my mother on her toes is failing - she's getting smart! The cell phone was put on the dresser, far from my puggy reach. Also, I heard her tell someone that the video store took the chewed DVD back. Darn! I guess I'll have to resort to eating the couch after my morning nap - unless Grandma comes and gets me.

It looks like rain outside today. I must prepare for the ultimate pee-strike. Sigh, a pug's work is never done.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Murphy keeps Mom on her toes Posted by Picasa

A great new game...

Since Mom likes a challenge in the morning, I have made getting ready for work into a fun game. First, the cats and I work together to get in her way. She's really good at hurdling us as she darts from room to room - it really gives her a quick workout and gets her heart rate up. I'd like to think of it as interval training. She really kicks it up by murmuring, "Crap! There's a traffic jam on 84 - I'm gonna be late!" She's like bat outta hell.

To keep her senses sharp, I have added to her morning workout. Each morning I have taken to hiding her cell phone when she's in the shower. I think she likes this game, otherwise she'd put the phone on the dresser, out of my reach. Lately I've just been putting in under the bed or in my toy box. This morning I made is harder by burying it in the clothes basket. She used the house phone to call it. After two calls, she found it buried deep under her dirty laundry in the basket. She retrieved it, gave me a look and darted off to hurdle Max and Hippie while running to get my kong ready. She's really agile. (I think I'm gonna bite her on the ankle next time it rings to let her know I hate "Thriller" as a ringtone and preferred she'd switch it back to "Dancing Queen".)

I'll have to make tomorrow's game more challenging. I bet she'll have a harder time finding the phone if I hide it behind the couch - she'll have to use her muscles to pull it away from the wall! Who needs a person trainer when you have the Murph-Man. I'll pump YOU up!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

So much to eat, so little time...

So besides eating the couch, I love to eat other things that my mom has decided aren't for chewing. My favorite things to chew are Mom's favorite penny loafers, her underwear and lately I've gone high-tech. I love to hide her cell phone in my tox box (she keeps finding it, she's so clever) and I'm got a taste for Blockbuster movies. Mom liked Finding Neverland so much, I decided to put my mark on it so she'd have to buy it. I thought the movie was pretty good - at least it made her sit still with me for two hours. Mom is just so busy these days with working to support me and the cats, she is always bringing me to Grandma and Grandpa's. Don't get me wrong, I love their house since they have lots of treats for me, but there is nothing like being home with Mom. (I think Max the cat should get a job to contribute to the house money. He's eating good food now, he should pitch in.)

Maybe if I chew Mom's car keys, she'll have to stay home. I'll have to put that on my to do list for tomorrow. I hope I can fit it in between naps and bugging the cats. Max is so fast so I must run after him. Then I get tired and need more naps. My life is just so hectic lately!

Murphy the Pug Posted by Picasa

Murphy, the blogger

Murph-Man here, first pug in blogging space, or so I'd like to believe, since I do have an ego the size of an Newfoundland. Mom says it's a Nepoleon complex but really, it's just me exuding the upmost confidence.

I'm posting in between naps now. Wednesdays are hard here in the condo. I nap, chase the cat and if I can fit it in before the next nap, I have to make time to eat the couch. It's a new hobby and requires lots of practice.

Ok, I have to go. Nap #3 is calling and the cat needs to be put in his place before I slumber.
-the Murph-Man