Murphy The Pug

My Photo
Location: Connecticut, United States

I'm a one and a half year old pug who wants to make it big in life. This blog is my start.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Playing dress up! Posted by Picasa

Lola (on the left) and me. Posted by Picasa

What a great vacation.

While mom went to some place called Paris with Auntie, Grandma and Grandpa, I got to go see Lola, Kerrie and Walker. I had a blast. They sure know how to treat a pug. I got to take nice walks and I got lots of belly rubs. On Thanksgiving, I got a turkey for supper! I hung out a lot with Lola, who I have to admit I'm a little sweet on. She and I played and cuddled. I brought her a whole bunch of treats and a toy rat! I got a new toys and some yummy treats. Mom said that I was spoiled while I was there, but I'd like to think of it as just being treated as a pug should be.

But even though I had a great time, I was so happy to see Mommy. I jumped in her arms and kissed her face. On the way home in the limo (see, I know how to live) I cuddled with her. I've been such a good boy, and I haven't bitten her once. I'm waiting till s he's over her jet lag before I become a beast again!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Getting ready for my vacation

Mom and I have been busy getting ready for vacation. I got to pick out some new treats to bring to New Jersey. Mom said we had to get two of everything. I thought that would mean double the fun for me, but apparently I have to share these treats. I'm an only pug, what's all this sharing business about? I don't even share with the cats. I claimed all their toys as mine and I try to scam their treats all the time. I hate sharing. But mom said I have to behave myself while I'm with Lola and her mommy and daddy.

I got to help pick out a present for Lola. Even though it's pink, a girl color, I wanted it for myself. But Mom said no, it was a present for Lola, for letting me come to stay. I think it's Lola who should be thanking me. Don't you think it's a privilage to have me as a house guest.

Mom is also putting together a goodie bag of things for her Secret Santa giftie on PV. She had put some awesome things in that box. My mouth is watering. I can't wait what she's putting in there, in case her giftie reads tihs blog (Mom is so excited about the surprise) but I can tell you, I want it all for me! Sigh.....

I have to sign off - I have to pack my toys. I wonder if I have to share my own toys?

Monday, November 14, 2005

Murphy and Grandpa.... Posted by Picasa

Grandpa is so mean. He never shares his cookie with me! Posted by Picasa

Pug rescue helper

Yesterday mom and I went on a home visit for the pug rescue. It was a lot of fun. The family had no pugs, but they did have a nice cat named Florence. She's a rescue from the humane society like Max and Hippie. He didn't rub up against me like Hippie does, but she did watch me closely. She didn't hiss, so mom said that was a good sign.

The family loved me- of course. The guy laid down on the floor so he wasn't towering over me so we could play. And they let me jump on the couch. I tried to bite their fancy pillow but Mom took it away and said she was sorry. They just laughed and said I was ok. They want a young pug like me. I had to look over their home and make sure that it was ok for a pug. I didn't care for the wood floors. I made Mom carry me in. There were plenty of carpet islands for me to sit on. The backyard was very nice. I peed in the leaves so they knew I was there.

Mom said they'd make great pug parents and they got two paws up from me.

Afterwards, we hung out at Grandma and Grandpas and then Mom and I went home to do laundry. Mom made some stirfry and I got a piece of chicken and a carrot. I guess I like Chinese food. Maybe because I'm Chinese.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Pug Village Calendar

Hey everyone! I'm in a new calendar. I'm quite a star. Lucy is in it, too! In fact, all of my puggy friends, from across the world are in it. I think everyone needs a copy. If you order one, tell my mom and she'll let the powers that be know the funds to go PPRA. We need to help those pugs in needs and this is a great way.

My mom's friend Amanda and Gretchen worked hard on this. They are great people!

Buy a copy today!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I'm growing up....

Did you know if you lift your leg when you pee, you have better aim. I am learning this new trick. Mom seems to be impressed and so was Grandpa. Sometimes I'm too lazy to lift my left, but other times it's a good way to get the stink out of other dog's marks. I saw the terriers next door doing it and I hear my buddies Pugweiser, Junior and Frito do it. I have to be one of the guys - all the cool pugs and dogs are doing it.

Not that I like to give into peer pressure. Lucy told me if you whine and bark you get dinner faster. I'm not buying that. I have mom wrapped around my little paw so there's no need to degrate myself by begging, unless of course there's spaghetti involved. Or pizza. Ok, and ice cream. Heck, if Mom's eating it, it must be good and therefore I must tell her that I NEED SOME, too. She's not happy with my assertiveness sometimes, but I usually get my way.

A sad look with a well placed paw is something I've got down to a science. How else would I have persuaded her to give me breakfast in bed every morning. Caution, it's not for amateurs. You have to be an experienced pug to try this at home. I can't wait to show Lola.

This one is for you Justin. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A poem about older dogs...

Even though I'm young and cute, there are some senior pugs that are just as cute. I think all dogs deserve a chance at a great forever home........

Why you should consider an older pet-

One by one they pass by my cage-
Too old, too worn, too broken, no way.
Way past his time, can't run and play,
Then they shake their heads and go on their way.

A little old man, arthritic and sore,
Seems I'm not wanted anymore.
I once had a home, I once had a bed,
A place that was warm and where I was fed.

Now my muzzle is grey, and my ears slowly fail.
Who wants a dog so old and so frail?
My family decided I didnt belong,
I got in their way, I was just wrong.
Whatever excuse they made in their head
Can't justify how they left me for dead.

Now I sit in this cage, where day after day
The younger dogs get adopted away.
When I had almost come to the end of my rope,
You saw my face and I finally had hope.
You saw through the grey and the legs bent with age,
And said I still had life beyond this cage.

You took me home, gave me food and a bed,
And shared your own pillow with my poor old head.
We snuggle and play and you talk to me low,
You love me so dearly, you want me to know.

I may have lived most of my life with another,
But you outshine them with a love that is stronger.
And I promise to return the love that you give
To you, my dear person, as long as I live.
I may be with you for a week or for years.
We will share smiles and maybe some tears.
And when the time comes that God deems I must leave,
I know you will cry and, your heart, it will grieve.

And when I arrive at the bridge all brand new,
My thoughts and my heart will still be with you.
And I will brag to all who will hear
Of the person who made my last days so dear.

-Author Unknown

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Flossie time! Posted by Picasa

Cold, frosty paws

Mom and I went to the park for our morning walk. It was chilly out this morning. I went to jump in a pile of leaves to pee and it was COLD! I can't put my putinki near frost! I was not amused. Mom told me to suck it up, because it was only going to get worse. RUDE! First she dragged me out of the warm covers and now she wants me to freeze my business off! NOT!

I tried to teach her a lesson by hiding her cell phone but she's clever. It called to her and she found it. I hate that phone.

I have to close this post so I can crawl back under the covers and warm my poor toes. My life is so rough.