Murphy The Pug

My Photo
Location: Connecticut, United States

I'm a one and a half year old pug who wants to make it big in life. This blog is my start.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

A pug's welcome home...

Yup.. this about sums up how I welcome Mom home everyday. Moochie climbs on top of her shoulder and perches like a parrot but I do a full on pugtona and act like I haven't seen her in years. It makes even the worst days at work worth it.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Reason # 1,001 why pugs are great to have around.

Mom had a migraine last night. She was on the computer chatting with friends (she is such a nerd) and she had to get off because she couldn't see. She ushered us out for a quick walk and we did our business quickly so she could get back inside.

Mom laid on the couch and pulled the covers over her head. She told us to behave because she had a headache. So I laid right next to her and Moochie kept her feet warm. Poor Mommy! We went to bed early and we settled in like good pugs.

She didn't move a muscle all night, and we let her snooze this morning.

Then when she decided to finally get up, we pounced on her and gave her tons of kisses. Moochie bit her nose and I jumped all over her chest. We're good alarm clocks. How can you sleep through all that?

See how useful pugs can be? Nurses, alarm clocks and fitness instructors (we had her running all over the yard!!)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Another Sheldon cartoon....

Day Four With Moochie

She's still here. I tried to take her out but she thinks it's just play. And she's got super powers. She can leap in Mommy's lap in a single bound and can bring humans to their knees with her whining. I also suspect she's part rabbit because she hops around instead of walking. She ought to join the circus - she's be a hit with all her arcobatics.

My bags are packed. Anyone want to take in a Murphy for a week? I don't eat much - cause I'm still on a damn diet! (And I got in trouble for trying to eat Moochie's puppy food.) I'm outta here. No pug should suffer this abuse.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

My foster sister. . . .

. . . a.k.a., the whiner. She needs to be near Mommy all of the time. She didn't leave Mommy's side all evening so I sulked on the couch. Then Mommy took me to bed, kissed my head and told me I was her boy. She said I was an awfully good pug for letting Moochie stay because she didn't have a nice home like me. I licked her nose and cuddled in close. Then I sighed in her ear and we fell asleep. Moochie slept on her bed on our bed, next to us. She didn't try to snuggle with my Mommy all night. I guess she's ok.

Moochie and me

Monday, January 23, 2006

Life is good...almost

Mom used her new crock pot today and made chicken. And the best part (besides how good it smelled) she let Moochie and me have the liver! We got it right in our kibble! I was so excited. But ya know what? If Moochie (or Mary Lou as Mom and Auntie call her because she's agile and looks like she's doing a split when she pees - weirdo) weren't here, I could have had the entire thing to myself!! Scandel!

Also, this afternoon Mom and Auntie took us to PetSmart because Moochie needed a new harness. She put me in my blue hoodie and Moochie in her pink one. Then Grandma took our picture because Mommy had me in her arms and Auntie had Moochie. How embarassing!

I have to go now and steal my kong back now that Moochie is pooping in our bedroom. Hee hee... I hope Mom really let's her have it!

P.S. Anyone want a pain in the butt foster sister? She's really (gag me) cute!

Show off...

It's snowing here in Connecticut. Mom took Moochie and I out to do our business. I tried to convince Mom that I could hold it a while longer but she insisted I go out. I sulked along in the snow while Miss Show off bounded around like a rabbit. Mommy said, "Oh Moochie, you're such a good girl in the snow!" Suck up! Then Moochie tried to get me to roll around in the snow with her. Uh, NO! What am I, a puppy? I told her to get peeing, I had a date with my hedgehog. (I can't call it my baby in front of Moochie, she'll think I'm a puppy.)

I hope this one goes quickly. She's messing up all my stuff. I have to go, she's got my Snoopy in her cootie-girl-infested mouth! ACK!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Our big adventure

Mom and I went to Boston today to help with a scrapbook. I was very excited about going. I thought maybe I'd see Big Papi, but he didn't come to help us scrapbook. I met Reggie, Pugsley and Ozzy. We had a blast running around the house. Uncle Mike, Reggie's dad, brought us all sorts of fun treats, including bully sticks. Mom never buys for those for me because she said they're stinky, but I got to eat it in Boston! (I'm looking into real estate there now.) Check out the pictures in the PV post:

Reggie climbed on Mommy's lap - he should be in the puggy Olympics, he's so agile! Ozzy ignored us for most of the day - he was more interested in the bully sticks. Pugsley is the oldest, so he spent the day supervising us.

Now I'm home and get this, there's a GIRL pug here, named Moochie. I was paling around with the boys and now we have a stink girl here. I think I need to go back up to Reggie's house. This girl is going through all my toys. Oh bother, I'm just too tired to think about this now. I'll have to have a talk with Mommy about it tomorrow. (That means, I'll get Moochie in trouble and Mommy will want to get rid of her. I know her penny loafers are around here somewhere. I'll make it look like Moochie chewed them! She'll be hitting the road in no time.)

I'll keep you all posted.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

The humiliation...

So this morning Mommy told me to hurry and pee and poop because we had somewhere to go. I was all excited. I know it was a workday, but maybe there was a special mid-week pug meet. She said we had to go to the v-e-t. I wasn't sure what that was, but I'm always up for an adventure.

What a rude awakening - v-e-t means the VET! First I got weighed and the vet tech said I gained a pound and I needed to get it off. Hello! It's the dead of winter. They don't make indoor doggie gyms. What's a guy supposed to do when the snow is up to my belly! And then I met Dr. Learn. I usually have Dr. Hexter. Dr. Learn didn't mention my weight - Dr. Hexter would have gone to town about that one pound (has he looked in the mirror lately? Hi Pot, meet Kettle). So Dr. Learn proceeds to squeeze my hiney! On our first meeting! RUDE! And then I groaned at the vet tech laughed at me.

And to make the visit a complete disaster, I didn't get a liver treat for being a good boy!! RUDE!

I'm at home now, nursing my hurt pride and chewing on a new flossie. And Mommy couldn't even stay home with me because she had to go to work. sniff sniff Oh woah is me.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The many positions of a pug

(Click on the image to make it bigger.)

Monday, January 09, 2006

Is he doing surveillance in my house?

How did he know I did this stuff? I bet Mom told him. Of course, I prefer cell phone to video games. And leather does taste pretty good. You should try it sometime. (Note: Try and gnaw on it BEFORE your mom sprays bitter apple on it though. Blech!!)

Pug in comic

With David Kellett's approval (mom e-mailed him), I've gotten permission to post his comic on my blog! How cool is that?

Here's the one of the pug arriving on Christmas Day. Check out the strip - it's great! (Ok, I'm biased because I am a pug, but it really is good!)

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Pug featured in cartoon

Mom said that there's a pug named Oso featured in the Sheldon comic strip (by Dave Kellet). Mom loves it! He arrived on Chritmas day. Check out his adventures:

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I'm a grown up now.

I'm going to be two in May. Mom says she can't believe now fast I've grown. I have certainly come a long way since I was a puppy. Now mom doesn't have to watch me all the time, but she does check in on me with I'm being quiet. She says when I'm quiet, that means I'm usually up to something. Not true! Ok, sometimes... maybe a lot of the times... ok, usually I am up to no good, but not always!

And now I have the run of the house when Mom's not home. I usually snooze on her bed or eat my kong on the couch. I'm the master of the house! Life as an adult is good.

Me when I was little... I'm such a big boy now! Posted by Picasa