Murphy The Pug

My Photo
Location: Connecticut, United States

I'm a one and a half year old pug who wants to make it big in life. This blog is my start.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Mom... careful of that tree...

Mom is always making sure my little eyes aren't in harm's way. When we walk, she says to me, "No, no honey, I don't want you to go there, you may get hurt." She is always scanning things at my eye level so I don't get in trouble. I appreciate her vigilence, but maybe I need to start looking out for her.

The other day we were walking at Grandma's house for a quick potty break. I love to go by the trees inbetween Grandma's house and the neighbors. There are a lot of cool trees there. Poor Mommy was so concerned about me, she walked right into a branch. "Darn it!" she said and nearly missed poking her own eye out. (Ok, she didn't say darn, she said the f-word, but I'm not allowed to swear in my blog or ever.)

I think while Mommy's looking out for me, I need to start looking out for her.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Busy weekend...

I had a busy weekend. Friday night Mom and I hung out and watched last season's LOST so we could catch up on some of the finer details. Saturday I hung out with Grandma and Grandpa while Mom went out with the friends. I got some scrunchies in the mail from one of Mom's PV friends. They are really cool. I can't wait to wear them to the next pug meet.

On Sunday, we stayed home for part of the day while Mom did housework. Then we went to Grandma's so she could make her scrunchies. We also got a visit from Papa, Uncle Bill, Aunt Annie, Erin, Lauren and David. I sat with Erin because she's my pal. Aunt Susie and Amanda came by, too and Amanda gave me a good back rub. She loves me.

Next weekend Mom said she's having surgery, so we'll "lay low." The weekend after that she has a hockey tournament so I'll be at Grandma's. I have to miss my pug meet and a birthday party for my friend. I think I'm going to hitch hike to the party. Mom told me that we'd go up on another weekend to see my friend. She said I could go shopping and pick him out a nice present and some treats. I may even get something for myself. That sounds fair. I'm still miffed about missing the party.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Belated Valentine's Day Gift

I'm such a lucky boy. My girlfriend, Petunia, sent me a Valentine's Day gift! I got a few new toys, including this awesome Loofah dog. I love my dog. He's my new best friend! I also got a new flossie. Mom calls it my "love flossie." I chewed on it all last night. I'm in love.

Thank you Petunia!!

Please note my brother, Max, in the background. He's mad because he doesn't have a special lady in his life.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

No more greenies

Mom saw this article on her pug board. She says that I can't have them any more. I don't really care for them anyway. I'm weird like that. All I do is take them an bury them in the couch, in my toy box (right next to Mom's cell phone, hee hee) or in the basket of clean laundry.

I LOVE flossies and my Grandma buys we JUMBO flossies. I'm so spoiled. But it's my birthright as a pug.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!

I'm one lucky pug. Grandma got me a new harness and leash for Valentine's day. I also got a new hoodie and some special cookies. Mom let me have one this morning! I got mom some Valentine's Day socks and a card. She said my handwriting is improving. And since I love Mom, I peed and pooped outside in the snow. She was so proud of me. She kissed me and said Happy Valentine's Day my little smooshie! She's a nut, but I love her.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Nor'Easter of 2006

While I hate the snow, I decided I was too old to poop in the house. So I insisted on going out. Mom spent a great deal of time shoveling for me. Then we went out. I veered off the shoveled path, into the knee-deep snow (Mom's knee, not mine) and pursued a perfect spot. Mom thought I just had to pee. Nope, I squatted in the middle of our parking lot and pooped. Mom was horrified because she didn't think to bring a bag. Oh well! She carefully covered it up and we went on our way. I explored for a bit and then we headed in.

She was so proud of me, she gave me my kong with peanut butter and liver. She enjoyed a nice kong of her own - filled with beer. She deserved it for shoveling all that snow for me. (Even though it's her job.)

This morning she was not happy with me. I was on a pee strike. I peed at about 4 p.m. on Sunday and waited until 9:30 a.m. today to go again. She pleaded with me to go potty but I just pooped. Grandma shoveled out some trees for me and I finally went.

How would you feel if you had to pee in snow that was over your head? Think about that one.

Friday, February 10, 2006

I have a Valentine

Her name in Petunia. Mom said I can send her a Valentine's Day card.
Isn't she a looker?

Monday, February 06, 2006

Moochie got a new home.

Her new name is Gracie and she has a new pug sister named Sophia. I'm sad that I won't have her to harass anymore, but I'm happy to have Mommy's lap all to myself. It's hard work being a foster brother, but Mommy said I'm a trooper, and I ought to be proud of myself for being such a good host. Here are some pictures of Gracie and me, as well as her new family.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Garnishment on the kibble....

Today I looked at my kibble this morning walked away. Mom thought maybe I wanted to eat next to Moochie, so she moved my bowl, but I still put my nose up. So mom put a tiny sprinkling of low fat cheese on my kibble. I was so excited! Mom is the best, even if the garnishment was minimal. I gave her a big dog-food-breath kiss when I was done. I know her loves those kisses the best.

Mom said Moochie is going to her forever home on Sunday. I'm not sure how I feel about this. She's a pest, but a good playmate, too. Grandma wishes we could keep her, but Mom said if we did, her fostering days would be over, and I'd never get to meet new friends. I guess that's a good arguement. I'm gonna ask her new family if I can go and visit. Mom said Danbury is only an hour away.

I better go nap and ponder this. First I need to go and steal Moochie's kong from her. And then bite her in the butt. A pug's work is never done.