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Location: Connecticut, United States

I'm a one and a half year old pug who wants to make it big in life. This blog is my start.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

So much to eat, so little time...

So besides eating the couch, I love to eat other things that my mom has decided aren't for chewing. My favorite things to chew are Mom's favorite penny loafers, her underwear and lately I've gone high-tech. I love to hide her cell phone in my tox box (she keeps finding it, she's so clever) and I'm got a taste for Blockbuster movies. Mom liked Finding Neverland so much, I decided to put my mark on it so she'd have to buy it. I thought the movie was pretty good - at least it made her sit still with me for two hours. Mom is just so busy these days with working to support me and the cats, she is always bringing me to Grandma and Grandpa's. Don't get me wrong, I love their house since they have lots of treats for me, but there is nothing like being home with Mom. (I think Max the cat should get a job to contribute to the house money. He's eating good food now, he should pitch in.)

Maybe if I chew Mom's car keys, she'll have to stay home. I'll have to put that on my to do list for tomorrow. I hope I can fit it in between naps and bugging the cats. Max is so fast so I must run after him. Then I get tired and need more naps. My life is just so hectic lately!


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