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Location: Connecticut, United States

I'm a one and a half year old pug who wants to make it big in life. This blog is my start.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Reason # 1,001 why pugs are great to have around.

Mom had a migraine last night. She was on the computer chatting with friends (she is such a nerd) and she had to get off because she couldn't see. She ushered us out for a quick walk and we did our business quickly so she could get back inside.

Mom laid on the couch and pulled the covers over her head. She told us to behave because she had a headache. So I laid right next to her and Moochie kept her feet warm. Poor Mommy! We went to bed early and we settled in like good pugs.

She didn't move a muscle all night, and we let her snooze this morning.

Then when she decided to finally get up, we pounced on her and gave her tons of kisses. Moochie bit her nose and I jumped all over her chest. We're good alarm clocks. How can you sleep through all that?

See how useful pugs can be? Nurses, alarm clocks and fitness instructors (we had her running all over the yard!!)


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