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Location: Connecticut, United States

I'm a one and a half year old pug who wants to make it big in life. This blog is my start.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I'm growing up....

Did you know if you lift your leg when you pee, you have better aim. I am learning this new trick. Mom seems to be impressed and so was Grandpa. Sometimes I'm too lazy to lift my left, but other times it's a good way to get the stink out of other dog's marks. I saw the terriers next door doing it and I hear my buddies Pugweiser, Junior and Frito do it. I have to be one of the guys - all the cool pugs and dogs are doing it.

Not that I like to give into peer pressure. Lucy told me if you whine and bark you get dinner faster. I'm not buying that. I have mom wrapped around my little paw so there's no need to degrate myself by begging, unless of course there's spaghetti involved. Or pizza. Ok, and ice cream. Heck, if Mom's eating it, it must be good and therefore I must tell her that I NEED SOME, too. She's not happy with my assertiveness sometimes, but I usually get my way.

A sad look with a well placed paw is something I've got down to a science. How else would I have persuaded her to give me breakfast in bed every morning. Caution, it's not for amateurs. You have to be an experienced pug to try this at home. I can't wait to show Lola.


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