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Location: Connecticut, United States

I'm a one and a half year old pug who wants to make it big in life. This blog is my start.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Getting ready for my vacation

Mom and I have been busy getting ready for vacation. I got to pick out some new treats to bring to New Jersey. Mom said we had to get two of everything. I thought that would mean double the fun for me, but apparently I have to share these treats. I'm an only pug, what's all this sharing business about? I don't even share with the cats. I claimed all their toys as mine and I try to scam their treats all the time. I hate sharing. But mom said I have to behave myself while I'm with Lola and her mommy and daddy.

I got to help pick out a present for Lola. Even though it's pink, a girl color, I wanted it for myself. But Mom said no, it was a present for Lola, for letting me come to stay. I think it's Lola who should be thanking me. Don't you think it's a privilage to have me as a house guest.

Mom is also putting together a goodie bag of things for her Secret Santa giftie on PV. She had put some awesome things in that box. My mouth is watering. I can't wait what she's putting in there, in case her giftie reads tihs blog (Mom is so excited about the surprise) but I can tell you, I want it all for me! Sigh.....

I have to sign off - I have to pack my toys. I wonder if I have to share my own toys?


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