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Location: Connecticut, United States

I'm a one and a half year old pug who wants to make it big in life. This blog is my start.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Brusha Brusha Brusha

Murph-man here. Mom said my breath was stinky, so she pulled out this stuff called tooth paste. (I do eat poop on occassion, but since it snowed, I couldn't find any to eat.)

Anyway, Mom said this tooth paste stuff was chicken flavored so I thought I'd try it. I loved it! I wanted to eat the whole thing, but Mom said I had to save some for the cats. Then she stuck her finger in my mouth with this brush thing on it. It was so weird. But I was a good boy, cause I liked the taste of it so much. Then she did Max and Hippie's teeth. I was so jealous! I wanted that tooth paste stuff all for me! She said we have to wait till Tuesday for it again, because I only need it three times a week.

I can't wait to see Lola again, so I can give her a kiss with my chicken-breath. I hear chicks dig that.


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