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Location: Connecticut, United States

I'm a one and a half year old pug who wants to make it big in life. This blog is my start.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas from my pooch friends

Mom brought home a present from my friend Taz. They are all sorts of cookies, including my favorite - PEANUT BUTTER! They are so good, I bet even Mommy would eat them. She said that I can't eat them all at once. RUDE! They are MY present! Oh well. Mom said we're gonna go shopping next week for something for Taz, since my forgot about him.

Taz and I did the breast cancer walk together. He's a husky. His little sister, Katelyn came with us. He said she's nice, but sometimes she tugs at his ears. She also steals his cookies. But she makes up for it by dropping her food on the floor so he can eat it. He loves when she drops French fries. I don't know if I want a little human sister or brother. I like being an only child. Ok, so I do have two kitty siblings, but I can chase them. I hear kids chase pugs! I'm good with being kid free for now.

I can't wait to see what other presents I get! Mom got some already from her friends Dayna and Amanda. She was jumping around the house like a lunatic when her packages came. She's a nut, but I love her.

I gotta go, Grandma's making cookies and I have to go beg. She hasn't succumbed to my beggings yet, but there's always hope.


Blogger Sandy said...

Merry Christmas, Murphy!

1:02 PM  

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